
作者: 时间:2018-09-28 点击数:








Speech by the Central Regional Minister of Ghana Honorable Kwamena Duncan

at the Second Anniversary Celebration of the Confucius Institute

at University of Cape Coast



Mr. Chairman --Professor Sam-Amoah;

Osaaberima Kwasi Ata II, the Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional Area;

The Divisional Chief, Nana Kweku Ennu III, Apewosikahene,;

The Provost of College of Humanities and Legal Studies, Prof. Dora Edu-Buandoh;

Other Provosts, Deans of Schools, Lecturers;

The Chinese and Ghanaian Directors of the Confucius Institute;

Managers of Industries and Businesses;

Distinguished Headmasters and Headmistresses; Head teachers, invited guests present for this second anniversary celebration, especially our students from University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast Technical University, partner senior high schools, primary schools;

Friends from the media.

Ladies and Gentlemen:



传统区域最高酋长库阿西阿塔二世( Osaberima Kwasi Ata2),

区域酋长纳纳.克库.恩努三世(Nana Kweku Ennu IIIApewosikahene),

人文与法律学院院长朵若安都卜安朵教授(Prof. Dora Edu. Buandoh),











I will like to take this opportunity to fore mostly congratulate the Confucius Institute at the University of Cape Coast and also to thank the University, from the Vice- Chancellor through the various levels of the university management for the decision to host the Confucius institute on the university campus. I am certain that they will look back and pat themselves on the back for making the decision to collaborate with Hunan City University, to establish the Institute here at the University of Cape Coast. Further, I would like to especially thank the Ghanaian and Chinese Directors of the Institute. From the short documentary we watched, we would come to the realization that the Confucius institute has an aim set to promote Chinese language and culture which they are determined to achieve. The Directors also work closely with Prof. Edu-Buandoh,  the Provost of the College of Humanities and Legal Studies, I wish you all the best in the years ahead.

我首先借此机会祝贺海岸角大学孔子学院,并致谢海岸角大学从校长到各管理层的领导。 我相信,今天你们会回过头来看看自己,看看自己做出的与湖南城市学院合作的正确决定,即在海岸角大学建立孔子学院。 我还要特别感谢孔子学院中方院长和加方院长。从我们观看的纪录片中看出,毫无疑问他们设定了自己推动汉语教学和文化传播的工作目标,确立了工作思路并决心实现他们的目标。孔院中方院长及加方院长,你们也与大学人文与法律学院院长朵若卜安朵教授( Edu-Buandoh)密切合作。祝愿你们在未来的岁月里更加美好。


I would assure the Institute that we, the management of the Central Region of Ghana, will continue to do the things that will ensure a very peaceful and safer environment that would aid in the growth of the Institute from strength to strength, to be able to  achieve the objectives set for themselves, which includes teaching of the Chinese language and culture to various institutions as well as the local teacher training program. From the documentary, the Institute has worked hard to achieve the great success in the teaching of Chinese language, it is our fervent hope that in the coming  years, teaching of Chinese culture will move onto a new level of cooperation between Ghana and China. More so, we hope that the local teacher training course program will be enhanced to enable more of our young people acquire the necessary language training and to spread the teaching of the Chinese language in more educational institutions of Ghana. The Central Region has been a major example of the good relations between the Peoples Republic of China and Ghana and if I decide to name some of the benefits we as a region have derived from the cooperation between the two countries, we would spend the entire day here. We can only hope that Ghana and China will continue to build on this cooperation and strengthen this  relations.



I was here a year ago and saw what the Institute was doing and seeing today's

documentary, which summarizes the achievements of the Confucius institute in two years, drives me to question  myself “what is the driving force behind their success?”





The Chinese story is a very refreshing one. Four decades ago, most developing countries sorted for assistance from other countries other than China. But today, there is a major shift to seeking assistance from China. We therefore have to ask ourselves “what has made them this much successful?” From my perspective, not looking too far, at least there are two major contributing factors that I have seen: one is their culture of discipline and the other is their culture of determination to achieve results and to succeed. Our younger generation have become so engaged and accustomed to the culture of indiscipline, which deters an individual to deviate from the path of achieving great success. it is therefore of importance that we invite the culture of discipline and commitment in all our endeavors so as to achieve better results for ourselves, our communities and our country. As we sit through this occasion and celebration todaywe have already experienced the function. We must engage our minds on these things. Recently, certain persons on social media and within some circles, have expressed concerns and special sentiments against China for the efforts they are making . But then I ask myself once again“what are the basis for these sentiments?” Why would anyone rather not learn from what has made China so successful but be sentimental about them? It doesn't make sense at all..

中国的故事令人耳目一新。大约40年前,大多数发展中国家都不得不找其他国家而不是中国寻求帮助,而40年后,车轮大转向,都去中国寻求帮助。因此,我又不得不自问:是什么让他们取得如此大的成就?对我来说,不要看太远,至少我已看到的有两大动因:一是他们的纪律文化二是为他们的决心文化,即为实现目标获取成功的坚定决心。 我们的年轻一代已经变得如此投入和习惯于不守纪律的文化了,这阻碍了个人发展,让你们偏离了取得巨大成功的轨道。由此可见,对我们来说,最重要的就是,我们务必通过各种努力,引进和学习这两种文化,为我们自己我们的社区和我们的国家取得更好的成绩

我们参加今天的庆典,经历了这种文化场合,感受了这些文化的功效。所有这些,我们必须牢记在心。最近,社交媒体和某些圈子中的某些人对中国所做的努力表现出担忧和不满情绪。 我再次问自己,这些不满情绪凭什么? 为什么有些人宁愿不学习中国取得巨大成功的经验,反而说三道四、怨这怨那呢? 这样做是毫无意义的。    


China has succeeded and achieved a lot within a short period of time. Today, China is the second largest economy of the world, with a strong military power to name but a few. They are therefore consolidating their success by spreading across and reaching out to the rest of the world. By so doing, the rest of the world would better understand, welcome, appreciate their culture buy their products, and would form relations with them. China presents a great lesson to us as Africans, as Ghanaians. We as a nation must learn from China’s success story, we must learn from their drive to success. To do that, there is the need for us to assess and revise our ways of doing things. Example, last year when I was invited, I was told that the program will start at 9 am, and indeed, when I got here, all was set and after a few initial settings had been done, the program started. Again this year, when the invitation was extended to me, at 9am I instructed my protocol people to be here to see if they were ready and when they arrived, they said “Mr. Minister, it’s already set.” When I got here, everything was in place. So I ask myself, “why is it that during our own celebration, we will probably start an hour or two later and then all we will do is to come and render apologies for the late start of the program.

Thereforewe need to develop the culture of discipline, the culture of determination to succeed, in order to attain great success.

中国在短时间内成功了,取得了巨大成就。比如,中国是世界第二大经济体,中国拥有强大的军事力量时间关系,不多举例。为此,他们会通过加强对外传播和接触世界其他地区来巩固和发展他们的成就。通过这样做,世界其他地方自然会更好地理解他们,欢迎他们,欣赏他们的文化,购买他们的产品,并与他们建立合作关系。中国的成功对非洲、加纳人民来说是很生动的一课。作为一个国家,我们必须学习中国的成功故事,我们必须学习和了解他们成功的动力。要做到这一点,我们就需要认真评估和改进我们的做事方式。例如,去年我被邀请参加庆典时,我被告知该庆典将在上午9点开始,实际上,当我到达这里时,所有准备都已完成,庆典按时开始。今年一样,邀请函显示庆典上午9点开始,我指示我的礼宾部工作人员先到这里看他们是否准备好了,当他们到达时,他们说省长,一切就绪。当我到这里时,果然一切都已到位。所以我还是问自己,在我们自己组织的庆祝活动中,为什么我们总是要晚一两个小时才能开始, 并且我们所能做的一切就只是为推迟开始而道歉?


On this auspicious occasion, I wish to congratulate the institute, for the  two-year milestone, for how far you have come and to wish you the best going into your future. Thank you!






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